2nd Apologetic Bill on Slavery Introduced

The Charlotte Observer
Lynn Bonner
Apr 5, 2007

Lawmakers are now being asked to consider not one, but two, resolutions apologizing for the state's role in slavery.

Two House members, Rep. Larry Womble and Rep. Earline Parmon, Democrats from Winston-Salem, filed a resolution Wednesday apologizing for slavery and its lasting effects. A leading state senator, Democrat Tony Rand of Fayetteville, introduced a resolution Tuesday expressing similar sentiments.

Another House member, Republican Ruth Samuelson of Charlotte, had a resolution ready to file that would have the legislature atone for slavery and discriminatory Jim Crow laws. She decided not to file her resolution, saying she did not want to compete with Womble.

"The idea is to get it done," she said. "The idea isn't to compete over who gets it done."

State Republican Party Chairwoman Linda Daves issued a statement supporting a state apology.

The governor does not sign resolutions. But a statement from the office of Gov. Mike Easley on Wednesday said, "Governor Easley believes this represents the sentiments of all North Carolinians."

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