Power of Prayer

Ruth shares her thoughts on why and how we are to pray and what prayer achieves.

Date of speech
January 29, 2014

Lost in 2004 which showed me the need for prayer and a prayer team. (examples)

Why prayer? Because God commands it and has given us examples of how prayer works. (Find some in Bible.) Without prayer, we experience fear, confusion, uncertainty, conflict, doubt, and stress.

  • Jesus example; in garden, in personal withdrawal and response to disciples request with “the Lord’s prayer”
  • OT examples numerous; prophets before battle, David’s Psalms of praise & petition & repentance, Esther and Mordicai to save the Jews
  • NT letters of Paul, John and James;

Results of prayer? With prayer, and a prayer team, we experience clarity, peace, joy, confidence, creativity, strength, and protection from evil.

  • Conquering “to do” list
  • Wisdom on dealing with enemies (James 1:5)
  • Strength/protection to persevere

How to pray? (Books to recommend?) So many resources, here is a strategy that worked for me during legislative battle service.

  • Use example of armor of God and include how a prayer team fits into that.
  • fruit of the spirit as evidence both good and bad,
  • scripture as a tool for wisdom and God's microphone as he answers your prayers.

Close with Piper quote?

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